January 19, 2005


Returning to Corvallis for the day to take in a Forestry, Deer and Elk conference at Oregon State University. My thoughts on the topics are that elk are awesome animals - i'll have to figure out how to post photos - i have one of an elk that i call target butt. Elk are also big - and cause lots of damage. Current grazing poilicy on public lands is insanity for the lease holders, who really should be land-owners and got jobbed on the deal by an ever shifting rule base.

The science should be interesting. However, we get a lot of BS science from people in the extension and other areas of ag and in other resource quarters that is definitely not in the long term interest of the resource. sustainability should be looked at as stagnation. keep the status quo - which is to spread industrial waste to every quarter of the world. How about remanufacturing the process to process a by-product that can be used as an entry material in another process. (We have that - called green chemistry. But they haven't figured out to model cyclinc processes on natural cycles.)

George Taylor - the state climatologist for Oregon was in town last night discussing weather cycles and 'la nada' , the current state of normal climate in the Pacific. I like George - he speaks what he thinks. And he can entertain a group - a key character role.

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