February 20, 2005

Individual Attention

Roles sometimes dominate personality
For the benefit of community goal
Edutainment functions to isolate parents
By exposing youth solely to authoritarian adults
Normal, rational, non-hierarchical people
Are invisible to the youth that rely on peers
In the absense of a friend
A senior mentor to coach them thru
Thus alight into a world of misdirected
Misinterpreted, misrepresented youth
Parents need to be partners
But not in the sense that has developed
With pitched battle where youth always lose
Rather by reaching out to develop
Bonds to non-parental adults that care
Who will be there to bend an ear when
Life is too embarrassing to relate
This conduit role, grandpa or grandma,
Or just a friend on a slightly elder plain
Means so much to the development of
Well guided, focused, productive us.

© 2005 Lemme Howdt

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