April 16, 2005

Science & Religious Belief

ReadIt has come to pass in terms of the lord that the pursuit of truth has become lost in the shuffle of human affairs. With complex scientific questions being debated sans factual data, the objectivity of what we have called science in the past has been compromised by the unwillingness to think outside the realm of the narrow confines handed to us by the proverbial great thinkers of past times. We must think for ourselves, and rethink the interface between how things actually work and how we currently believe they work - within the framework of our current thinking style.
ThisAs lemme howdt, doctor lenny and professor molybdo, the mollec hues and several other characters chime in on cue, father gaia will take the science of religion as the religion of science and will bring thoughts in a unique verbal code called scienceprayer. This is intended as a mathematics game with embedded philosophy and parody of life - just another in the cast of irreverent characters using the first amendment while we still can. If we get into exploring some serious issues in our haste to poke fun, then we have done some good to enlighten today's way too serious world.

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