June 28, 2005

EH9 - Morality

"Morality, like true democracy, must exist at the grass-roots level."

Charley Reese today on LRC reenforces dr. lenny's recent decisions. Politics is mob rule - people need to be independent and solve problems now. Sharing ability is important to competition.

dr. lenny is an urban edukated drop-out who came to rural amerika to dissappear. Now the encroachment dawns and people want to get rid of the political shackles. To support them doing that - that is what howdt is about - creating independence by creating independents. Dependence is an addiction. Let people decide and they will do - let the grubbermint decide and take a look around folks.

mob rule
i stand up
moral me
i stand up
do what
it takes
to be me

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