June 26, 2005

The poet's Carbon

Carbon - what is 'carbon' ?
a bug? a forest? toothpaste?
is carbon animal or vegetable?
yes carbon is all material things
but what does carbon do?
does carbon do anything?
or is it just that it is?
philosopher gump may rant
carbon is as carbon does
tinkertoy of life
stack your carbons
in various forms
coals and diamonds
(suddenly the former
looks better than the latter)
carbon lattice development
for energy storage
wave of the future
not as today's markets set
hydrogen harvesters
yet how to get proper
spacial arrangement
the key to visual chemistry
necessary to derive
physical basis of beinging
energy of thought
now there, there is power
in unlimited supply when
the harness is applied
with proper texture
Carbon - what is 'carbon' ?
simply the infrastructure unit
of all things that be

(c) 2005 lemme howdt

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