July 10, 2005

Rules of Games

YoGames are a tool for entertainment and learning. Once the rules of the game are understood, then systematic measurement of the parameters of the game reveals the essence of performance. Youth should be playing the game of school.
YoSports focuses attention on specific athletic achievement, and uses statistics to indicate the relative performance of individuals and their cooperative ability in accomplishing a set of required tasks. A required task would be to cross home plate before three putouts are achieved.
YoYouth are starving for attention and looking for productive means of being noticed. Schools dwell on irrellevance and many bored 10th graders know more substance about the way the world works than their teachers. The meaning of life seems to be to be noticed as productive to society, but youth will settle for being unproductively noticed as long as the noticed part is there.
YoHaving a grand measurement competition between youth in school in different fields of science can help teach math. By teaching measurement and monitoring - competing in events like the Canon Envirothon - youth can be traded attention for providing real, productive service as part of the community.
YoONRRI will provide logistics for running the investigation league that will come forth from the Zone Program. With Redile, cross school teams of common interest bring coordinated partnerships between interested individuals that can empowered youth to compete to their highest potential. As the government downsizes to meet budgetary constraints, picking up the slack in monitoring will enable school aged youth to learn a skill and contribute to the knowledge base while learning. Local youth will be ready to go to college.
YoFor students that find they are not interested in math and science in depth, they can pursue other roles in the scheme of the group that provides support from areas that these youth are interested in. A journalist can report what they saw or a shopper can learn about which equipment to buy and what considerations go into decision making in the purchasing process. This creates a buyer, which is much more valuable than a shopper.
YoMonitoring and measuring are tools that are applicable in any situation. Following the specific protocols correctly make the data comparable to other people's data - which is absolutely necessary for common information. But private information, for knowledge purposes, can be done by any consistent protocol developed with forethought and reason, because once you demonstrate the answer to the immediate question that your research was designed to address, there will always be time for the nerds to collect the data to demonstrate the phenomenon that you just proved. Be certain of the quality of your data by doing the statistical significance measures after the project has been written up intuitively, but prior to the first fact check.

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