August 24, 2005

EH - 22 Fanaticism

Unfortunately, modern academia is a cesspool of atavistic ideological fanaticism.

Steven LaTulippe illustrates a witch-hunt, which is due to an editor allowing some unacceptible religious thought slip into a science publication. The intolerance of it all - anti-thought. Y'know, the next author on the original list after Orwell is Kafka, with spin from Nostredamos and Machiavelli.

With the necessity to justify ones existence in every action in order to be allowed to procede, why would any creative thinker wish to publish thought in a journal - poetry speaks to people and doesn't require the busybodies of acceptible thought to vette the ideas in their own right. gotta get howdt

Be careful what you blog - the internet is a giant needle in the haystack, pin the tail on the donkey game. If you say it, it will track back to you. Visibility helps.

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