August 21, 2005


This weekend - Doctor Lenny's world of on-line gaming shut down along with everybody else that plays at It's Your Turn . com - both computer and back-up systems crashed. I only had forty games 40 going, as i had cut back to get some writing done. Rather than make excuses, the staff has been working to correct the problem and dealing with a whole bunch of people who have too much time on their hands - based on how much time is spent playing games. Patrick Chu is blogging with his customers - keeping us informed - the sign of a quality company.

But - if you think about it - you get a lot more satisfaction from a break playing games on-line and chatting with friends, than you do from working. And - you probably produce just as much productivity to challenging your brain, as you do from working. If you get good at chess, or backgammon, or go or any of the cornucopeia of games that IYT offers, then you have demonstrated the ability to reason. Game number one on my website is based on the Singularity game at IYT. So games are hardly a waste of time - as long as you consider the whole of what you spend on entertainment value, perhaps games are a much better deal than most other forms of brain-rot. Find a hobby, any hobby and do it!

So, if you do on-line gaming, now is the time to help out a friend and join this site. The side benefit is that it is a really cool site. I'll see you all on the Extinction chess ladder - i play under the name lemme howdt (bet you couldn't have guessed that). Good luck Steve in getting us gaming! Thanks Leigh Ann for dealing with Patrick's deluge.

BTW - i also have games going at

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