September 29, 2005

Get howdt

The Zone is a place where thinking about math, science, philosophy, particle physics and other things gets played howdt and worked howdt. The fool Dr. Lenny wishes to play with fire by doing politics, and that isn't really the purpose of the Zone - so our candidate will be excommunicated from political posts here - Get howdt is his own way of doing things.

Professionally - the promotion of math and science as fundamental to the world view rather than optional knowledge is important, and Dr. Lenny will be an actor - using the Bullworth approach as a bully pulpit to generate a name for a future run for congress. A real school in math and science will be developed using the Redile system thru OSEN - the political interplay will be to develop a path of funding, since the schools are a monopoly and real educators that are frozen howdt still have to subsist.


Anonymous said...

I want bullworth for real

Anonymous said...

I want bullworth for real