September 01, 2005

Public Service

Attended a public meeting of the Siuslaw Forest Service RAC to pitch Science Zone for Josephine County. There were nine public presentations mostly for youth training. Pam Bode, the Illinois Valley Ranger District Ranger is a strong supporter of youth activities and OYCC and NYC were there to gather work for their excellent youth to reality work. As a cooperative Institute, ONRRI will be better served by coordinating with existing programs rather than Zoning Howdt on our own, and I have some serious ideas to work out on how to accomplish that.

This Science Zone proposal was to use the Great Cats World Park in partnership with the schools to learn animal physiology, habitat biology and trail maintanence. We would work to educate and present a means of stoping the damage done by Off-Road-Vehicles at recreation sites. We didn't have enough focus at the time the proposal was submitted - but i established some new relationships that i can develop.

Anyone that would like to learn how to build trail for habitat areas might wish to keep an eye out for such a course in spring of 2006 - people that want dedicated and able youth for their outdoor management might wish to contact me about setting up a science zone focused on your field of interest - it gets you first dibs on some very awesome kids.

If you wish to have Doctor Lenny as a motivational speaker or to run a science clinic in your area - contact Bob Craft at Smotis or Zina - my personal security featured below. Beware - she bites. (Perhaps we might convince her to visit - more likely Rosencrantz will join me.)

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