December 31, 2005


The link is to a post on a study about salmon farming and health benefits. If you think in chemical terms, the you are what you eat crowd, the natures, score a big one over the nurtures. The science design is interesting and the article promotes a good view of what a scientist has to deal with to design a properly controlled experiment.

Life - doesn't work like science at all, and psychology is not a one size fits all matter. Behavior is a complicated series of interrelationships and pressures and quite often, poor body chemistry influences moods. I was down on blood sugar yesterday and the major change in my diet was that i had taken a series of vitamins. The depletion of my system must have had me at a good equilibrium level, because i was relating well. But yesterday was frustrating, and i handled it very badly and dug myself into the same hole i've been climbing howdt of. Perhaps it is shallower this time, because I see to be gaining control. My head hurts, because i missed my afternoon coffee yesterday, which was part of the crash. I didn't get help when i needed it, and i apparently blamed the wife for the problem - by implying behavior that i assigned to her, but was 'not under her control'. dementia, and i suffer. i feel badly and will dust myself off and climb the ladder again.

Work - if you chase the income, you have no freedom. if you dont chase the income, you have no means. the game is played on a tilted ball-field. But - if i don't value myself better, then nobody can assign proper value to my services. To this end, i retrofit to enable my business Science Eyes to play a larger role. As i build the science school of the future targeted initially to a middle school audience, i hope to create a learning environment that keeps me on the cutting edge of what is interesting to the students that are learning how to put it together. There will be no credit involved - courses are stand alone, but experience gained within the system will be logged, as a means of gaining 'power and influence' in the world of accurate measurement. If you would like to help, conceptual letters of support for the redile approach in the local area would be greatly appreciate. A stable monetary base to accept reimbursement grants is also required - we now have internal non-profit staus - which as a scientist doesn't mean what the words would make me think it means.

While doing this, i will be gathering the information available about the Umpqua Resource, and preparing a thesis on the dynamics of forest/riparian ecology and the effects on climate and health, via the migration of key inorganic molecules and the forced immediate development of mitigational biodiversification. We need for conservation biologists to address the question - what is chemically going on in the amphibian world. The question is just a symptom of the real problem.

Global climate change is not an issue - it is a constant. But - periodically, the earth chemistry reaches the point where a limiting factor runs out, and until the function that is lost is replaced, that particular cycle grinds to a halt. As we monoculturize and lose biodivesity, we extinguish pathways toward getting the volume of function done, while increasing the net entropy of the system. Unproductive work just puts chaotic energy into the system, in this case the atmosphere, but with no real outlet, it manifests itself in climatinc disturbance. Thus Katrina and Rita are harbingers for the future as atmospheric waste energy is collected and mobilized. The current ground saturation here from the rain has significant widened the river system, with serious landslide potential.

ONRRI will focus on science, getting the details together and fact checking for the book that i've been working on and threatening to publish. The premise, that limiting micronutrients in local systems create biological patterns that remove volume from the metabolic cycle, and monoculturization causes diversity loss in the number of systems that can take the generated raw material, now called waste, and bring it back into the volume stream. The Umpqua will be the resource base that i talk about, but it will be a model system to be applied to other locations and other restoration/conservation type projects. In addition, i will serve as a public oversight specialist in the application of science to natural resources.

If you wish to be a player in an immersion game approach to Science via the language of math - ie. tap into my world - join the ONRRI school at yourclassroom dotcom, whisey dotsey, YC.C . My brain hertz, but, the stress of life requires change of approach. Instead of playing in a hollywood world, i'll go back into my mushroom permanently and invite people in - Lewis Carroll, Robert Frost, Henry David Thoreau, ee cummings, Werner Heisenberg, Tyco Brahe, Ayn Rand, Madonna and Steven Speilberg. - influence and power in the real world should have no bearing once the wardrobe threshhold is crossed (david brin - is that what you have done?)

If you are not into science, but have an aspect of knowledge that you can teach, (credentials required), we would welcome sharing the delivery system and broadening the base to other fields of interest. The educator controls her own classroom, but learns with application to specific areas of personal interest. The students co-learn and the Redile passes necessary skills along rather than unecessary trivia (from the learning POV).

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