January 21, 2006

Dr. Lenny's Nu Golz

I wish to slowly build independence of thought thru a political anti-party by supporting volunteers that do things with support to do more things. My focus has changed along with my sense of urgency. Nothing is urgent - peace has to come first, before rebuilding, or else what is rebuild will be destroyed again. I will be a vocal civil disobedient ghandi type and tell people what i think (as if i didn't), but without the pressure of needing to make a living.

I step up, which may make me a target, but i don't think so. It is time to get things done. Sidelight energy will be focused on youth education, natural resource stewardship and political independence - which will not leave time for some other interests that no longer bear relevance with my bigger picture. I am back to being a scientist, pursuing hypothesis. I have much to write, much to synthesize and several correllaries to a theory that will take years of intense data collation to prove or disprove. And i will need a humongous amount of reps, but we happen to have a humongous amount of souls in the world, so not having time to deal with most adult people will not bother me in the least. Before i get to really do - we need equipment and facilities. Five years max. But the game theory application is already started, this should make learning fun. Whisey Dotsey (YC.C).

Most people are so worried about their personal status that they play their cards too close to their vest and are afraid to give honest opinions on anything. Not only politically correct, but just plain correct is an obsession and correcting people with different points of view just pisses us off. I try not to tell, i try to listen and learn, but the bs that people say, when they are supposed to know better, just depresses me. It wastes my time to attempt to counter this belief fiction. They want cake, but not to work for it, to have it provided with no work. You can give these people flour, eggs, butter and a pan with a heat source, and they will consume all the goods without taking the effort to turn on an oven to bake the cake. Then they cry - i have no cake.

It disturbs me greatly when folks believe that their scientific opinions carry equal weight to mine - even though i have been working in this field, biological chemistry now for oh, 26 years and they are making things up off the top of their head. We call this process consensus. I am supposed to be a guide to helping apply my field to help others collect valid data - not just another opinion in the crowd of what might be done. Science is very broken when people will not defer to expertise, but insist on believing without working to support that belief.

If you wait for enough semi-scientific opinions that sound good, you can pick the one that supports your policy and do whatever you please while the pseudo-experts argue with each other. The real experts are all in the field collecting data, not arguing with each other in conference rooms. Government science will continue to support their political masters, but i don't understand why they would deliberately sabotage the value of their property, our property, the stuff we let them take care of for we the people, our national forests. There is no route to do independent science, unless people like me just do independent science. And activate politically - to return our system to the people, so that they can trust professionals again, rather than live in a world of lawyers rigging the balance and arguing non-documentable fact, while business elites skim the profits of everyone else's labor.

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