January 30, 2006

Natural Anarchy

There is a yin and a yang between different scales, but nature maintains a consistency across all scales. Consensus is not necessarily agreeing with the dominant opinion, it is really driving for the conceptual understanding that relates to all points of view. Knowing when to defer to better expertise is part of the process that doesn't really exist in the show world consensus. But then, the powers that be don't really consider the force of the masses, until the masses gain leadership that can't be bought off.

Anarchy, in our current understanding of politics based on our life's point of view, would never work for a society where there is an intolerance of intolerance (happy faces everybody). But from the aspect of chaos theory, chaos and order are also yin and yang and feed off each other. To get to a higher order, one must use focused energy to break out of the energy well, but to direct that focus on anything other than breaking the well diminishes the force available to overcome the barrier. When things get very chaotic, a natural order takes over that is a much better fit for the situation than was originally there with the entrenched order of the past.

Anarchy doesn't have to be totally chaotic - it calls on people to have both self-control and self-respect. Not what we see in our world today. Funny how people value choice and resent discrimination, when the two are sides of the same coin. How can you choose without discriminating and how can you discriminate without values of your own, that differ from your fellows? what a piece of work is man ...

1 comment:

Vache Folle said...

Dr Lenny-

You have nailed it. As I see it, the more diversity of choices the better, as that helps create conditions for emergent orders equipped to meet new conditions.