January 18, 2006

Quantum Leak Theory

Each of us has the capacity for exceptionally creative, courageous, or even heroic behavior, but a lack of self-assurance often gets in our way.

You know an article is good when you take 20 minutes to read it because you have to keep coming back to it as your thinking diverges. Butler Shaffer did that this morning at LRC - his comparison of Rand to Lewis and the comparison of opposites just got me going.

I have had recent insight and now have the self-assurance to do what needs to be done. I do not have the data to analyze, but the grand hypothesis and experiment are set in motion and the rules are just the rules of good science. What are those rules? Well, they concern the care and handling of samples, the definition of interrelated factors - which variables are dependent and which are independent - how many things can be considered or removed from consideration - it there a valid control sample and enough repitions to be statistically significant - have we validated the assumptions - would other eyes see different things - are we self consistent within the eight dimensions - length, width, breadth, time, scale, hurl, imaginary and converse.

hurl is likely a new concept for most people. If you take the common three dimensions and integrate over time, then hurl would be the relative movement of the whole system as viewed by Einstein's fictional outside observer. The theory would be that the galaxies move non-linearly relative to each other - picture a universe on the surface of a changing rubix cube.

imaginary can be reach though the mathematical imaginary numbers i and -i, while converse is a concept that when thought thru should explain the missing dark matter. But - (caveat, this is theory, i offer no proof) - human sentience is the ability to turn matter into energy at non-relitavistic speed - no speed of light square factors here. Missing matter has been converted to energy and energy frequency and wavelength have more importance in chemistry than anybody currently considers. (cept DARPA - yikes).

i could never buy quantum mechanical tunnelling, but i now truly believe in quantum leak (yes i mean leak, not leap!). The leak is that energy produced at one wavelength can be harnessed and stored at a second wavelength - with the intermediate energy harvested by the organism in a cascade of dispersal. Energy gets converted into matter by chemical bonds. It's time to reconsider bonding theory, but to do this, i really must find Wangbo and reread skim the nature of the chemical bond. One of the assistances that i could use (way beyond my skill level) would be a historic analysis of the context in which each 20th century scientist worked.

the experiment to design the proof is underway, but good science says do not look at the data (analysis wise - you have to see that you are doing the correct protocols, so quality assurance data checking is good science) until the experiment is done. that gives me about five years to develop the theory, but i think i can prove chemical sentience, in context by redefining some physics and chemistry. Einstein and Heisenberg both refocused in 1913. Pauling picked things up, but never really worked on the grand unifying theory. quantum leak theory is where the human mind can havest energy by tuning the wavelengths and gleaming off certain chemical reactions carried out by enzymes. Oooh. shivers and goosebumps - it's consistent on yet another level.

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