January 22, 2006

Scooby Doo Philosophy

When you are up surfing the net at two in the morning, your perspective on blogging changes completely. Thus when i found In Lehmann's Terms, the title of the blog got me reading and my reward was finding one of my all time favorite's Scooby Doo! For blunt reality - Scooby is right up there with Bugs Bunny. Skepticism is an important trait in keeping a handle on the pursuit of truth - and characters that demonstrate realpersonthink have always struck a chord.

My favorite character is Marvin Martian. The original pre-P.C. Bugs episodes portrayed the gullibility quotient perfectly - a comic extension of Elmer Fudd. The episode where Bugs continually has Fudd shooting Daffy during Duck/Rabbit season - with the beak turning - has me rolling every time. Cartoons often said things that otherwise couldn't be said.

Now on the net we can say anything. You just have to be careful that what you take for truth fits with everything else within your belief system. Consistency is not giving the same answer each time, but rather using the same rational debate to generate the latest best answer given the knowledge currently at hand. Now, it's time for pillow talk. G'nite.

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