March 03, 2006

EH - 76 Mathematical Biology of AIDS

"After ten years involved in the academic side of HIV research, as well as in the academic world at large, I truly believe that the blame for the universal, unconditional, faith-based acceptance of such a flawed theory falls squarely on the shoulders of those among us who have actively endorsed a completely unproven hypothesis in the interests of furthering our careers. Of course, hypotheses in science deserve to be studied, but no hypothesis should be accepted as fact before it is proven, particularly one whose blind acceptance has such dire consequences." Rebecca V. Culshaw

This piece says more about the current quality of educational science than any piece i've read recently. The impact is positive in that we still train some scientists to recognize futility and keep the hypotheses based on the mechanism. It is extremely tough to walk away from your funding source and do what is right, but we all have to, if we wish to keep our personal integrity. In the long run, the new field will be more fulfilling than living the lie - no matter what your apparent status in the artificial social system. Scientists with personal intergrity should not work on dead hypotheses. They should move on and continue real work. Like, yesterday.

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