March 30, 2006

High Theater near home

Roger Weidner will be in Court in the Douglas County Court House, April 4th /06 at 9 AM on a bogus harassment charge... This hearing will be before Judge Barber .... We would like a big crowed... Stand up and be counted...This is a very important Case...It's a must win case...;Please help...Bro Will

I have known Roger Weidner and Will Gaston for nearly 15 years and i will not miss the chance to visit with them in Roseburg next week. I was a court watcher at the Christine kidnapping trial a few years ago in the same courthouse. I was impressed with court system dynamics, though not with the arrangement of justice at all. The bailiff in the courtroom was an awesome officer of the law who took her job seriously and herself just a bit less so. Just remember to leave your pocket knife home.

Roger Weidner is dynamic. Dr. Lenny was the OR Reform Party Treasurer when Roger was the candidate for Oregon Governor. His message is that everybody is accountable to the law, including the judiciary. He goes after court corruption like flies to raw meat. A lot of my knowledge of right/left politics comes from people that i have met through distributing the Oregon Observer as a favor to Roger. Definitely a name worth googling.

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