March 05, 2006

R Tickle 8 - 1 Articulate Articlette

If I had an editor to take my writings and frame them better (my tongue in cheek humor is often missed and taken too seriously), I'd bet that Doctor Lenny could assume a Carl Sagan role. But I have my intent set higher in scope - to Linus Pauling/Albert Einstein level. To do that, I still have to synthesize my new learning into a technical publication, and bring the delivery system up a notch to make the learning take place by intention rather than coercion.

After I read this article, about rural non-capitalist economics, I know how to approach this problem. We should not publish a regular rendition for the people that have no access or desire to reach us. We should develop a system that when people find us, they reach out and contribute their skills toward building things beyond their own skill level - locally by doing.

Social justice movements do not grow by written theology, the theology is written by the victors after the fact, in retrospect. If any young folks out there are thinking about building a party to change our society from greed-based to egalitarian, bear in mind Denney's Law: Real movements get built person-to-person. Gardner

Our local bio-energy co-operative has serious potential to unite the community in a similar vein to the Partnership for Umpqua Rivers – but with a completely different sphere of influence. If we look at pieces that we have launched as birds, some of them will set forth other birds that hatch other ideas and grow. As we look at the resources available that each person brings, we can channel the most productive resources to the people that can apply them best. As Anna Slemmer can tell you – some birds get out-competed from other birds. The more baby birds, the better chance that one will survive.

In a zero sum game, space is a resource – we have lots of that. Time is a resource – seems to be in good supply. People, no sweat. Money as a resource is weak, but it lubricates the current engine. What if as we change to a Wankle motor for running bio-oil, we find a currency in our lubricant? What if we create that local currency for internal dealings that can be redeemed for people’s time? We may need to be creative, as dollars and other forms of money may hyper-inflate, leaving us with no access to tradable commodities on the short scale.

As Dr. Lenny, I am willing to take on students for a simple one hour for five hour time trade – and I will allow them to include the one hour with me as one of the five. Plus the nominal course fee at YC.C . But people have to either pass my tests or supply manual labor. As the courses advance in stature, I’ll get more value from the student and lower the in-debt time to four or three or two hours. But I wish no responsibility at all for tracking time and payment and the right to drop students that don’t perform.
The goal is getting people up to speed on the science of an application that we need. I’ll have ONRRI as a hypothesis tester for teaching methods that we create. The teachers at DHS and REC control their own focus, we supply their students that want the challenge with interest to match their interest. And interest builds value, simple economics, right?

So we might think – what do we currently not have locally, that we may need. A Lomakatsi type camp/school for youth that substitutes for a high school Certificate of Advanced Mastery program, for vocational rather than academic training? After showing a basic mastery of stuff, students direct specific interest into future employable skills training. Can we set up a cooperative that makes clothing, perhaps from hemp, or broom (gorse panties might be the rage in punk land – SM/BD has their perversity). Why not feed and encourage, rather than penalize and crack down? Can we call a truce in the drug war and stop sending people to jail for crimes that aren’t really crimes. Send people voluntarily to our training camp for skills. Fear does strange things, people fear change – but man, a lot has changed while we weren’t paying attention.

On another note - I am on a national conference call a week from today, Sunday at 4:00 pm sponsored by CUIP – Committee for a Unified Independent Party. Based in New York, they have Shumer and Clinton on the run, so we must be doing something right. The idea is trying to bring people together – let CUIP know if you or someone you know might like to join me on the call. The facilitating speaker is Jackie Salit of Salon Magazine, runs about an hour every other month.

Dr. Lenny is a freelance scientist, a bard, and a game-player. All reponses to the article can be presented as a blog response at The Zone, and the realm of ideas will bear judgement on the revelation. Sit back, deep breath, laugh ...

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