March 29, 2006

System Rigging

The bureaucrats in Salem say there are lots of jobs going begging because the work ethic in the workforce will not allow people to hold these jobs. People want the benefits but don't wish to do the work. We have programs to train people for what we need them to do - Workforce Training.

Uh - don't we have schools to do that? Well - yes, but they don't work well - so we need task specific training.

So they sole source all the workforce dollars to a training and employment group that contracts with the state run community college system to provide specific vocational training for businesses relocating into the local area. The same community college that fails its students by demanding less rigor and running on the cheap, so that it can support an overabundance of retired administrators, with part-time semi-professional teachers. The inbreeding toward resistence to change runs deep - the school system does not educate much beyond fifth grade. From there it becomes an entertainment system.

Learning gets done by experience - nothing substitutes for time spent on task. The whole concept of seat time in public schools has been misrepresented because students do not actively learn sitting behind a stationary block of wood receiving audio signals. Productivity is measure by stacks of paperwork generated, and costs spend on irrelevance are never really recovered. Efficiency is a concept actively bred against in the current education system - make work to keep people droning on. The system is still chugging along - but at least now scrutiny is being given to some of the alternatives.

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