June 15, 2006

EH - 114 : Bullies

there usually are a few fights in the life of young males, but, for most males, fights are mostly avoided because one knows he lacks the power to be continuously successful, or maybe even infrequently successful.

Lawrence Velvel applies the lawyers eyes worst case scenario view to modern ignorance of recent history. The conclusion call for a change of application - let's envision the best case scenarios and work our best to get to those simultaneous with avoiding the results of the worst case scenarios. This would involve inverting the tetrahedron rather than cleaving the pyramid at its based. Having a tiered lifestyle, where the base can go in the opposite direction just as easily as the current direction would give momentum in two directions and contribute strength to resist the current actions in a more balance form.

Now i know that i am too deep in theory here to make complete sense, but if the limits of geometry are from tetrahedral to octahedral, would a pentagon be in the middle, or would it be rejected by the system? Is there a regular seven or thirteen sided shape? Is there a religious significance to fractal patterns? We know something is wrong, but not what. Perhaps our science is misdirected by the fact that we have left the path of symmetry and function without our right handed analogues being allowed along - thus we lose access to the yang and go deeper off than if we maintained balance. I'll continue in another thread.

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