June 26, 2006

Hither and Yon

Greetings – Doctor Lenny here

Today is the beginning of the summer science zone program. I expect to be kit building for the next month and adding on beta testers for both the kits and the on-line school. If you would like to help test the Redile (Research Directed Learning Environments) system in practice this summer – please enroll as a student at www.yourclassroom.com in either the school of ONRRI or Howdtside Grammar School and send me a message.

The Nature of the Chemical Bond, featuring the Mollec Hues will be available thru the ONRRI on-line school. This will be a weekly lecture series, beginning after independence day. The door to Dr. Lenny's on-line office is thru the hot key title of this post - it will open at 6 am PST for at least an hour each day - correct timing once we develop a sense of daily routine and learn proper pace. Not too fast, not too slow. Freeform.

My triangle field envelope contains love, peace and harmony, wisdom, compassion and truth. This chosen anagram is vemora spardu - developed in two letter jumble lots from each key word. Finding the path is following the clues to insight. The path less traveled, but equivalently spaced, still leads to the proper place - acceptance of what we can do not as a limitation, but as a beginning. In that sense, Vemora Spardu is like Hakuna Matata. Insight is fun. May Earth and Sun fields bring you joy this day.

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