July 07, 2006

Harmony - manifest as beauty

It almost looks like a fractal pattern of a flower. I am also quite taken by the six sidedness of all the kaleidography. But this peach color struck me as an awesome wavelength. State of mind appears contagious. Since i seem to be channelling thoughts with Sunni - i plan to take a kaleidopic of a truffle. I was going to break the truffles howdt at the end of the fast, but y'know chocolate was one of the furthest things from my mind. We had fresh cherries, a nut based gorp, a very awesome vegetable broth heated on the howdtdoor fire, club crackers and a freshly picked cherry tomato. Now i can say i have had a true break fast. The next time i fast, i think i will up the duration, now that i know what to expect. The location is the center of Wendy's carpet in the outdoor living room under the cherry trees.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

... outdoor living room under the cherry trees.
Sounds lovely!