August 08, 2006

Book Virus Thingie

One book that changed my life: I don’t think that any single book has ever changed my life. The first time I read Atlas Shrugged, I really needed some time off from everything – but it was coming down the pike for graduation from college. So I read rather than studied and then wrote a final comparing Rand with Machiavelli and Shakespeare and justified the time spent. Now I run with John Galt and Lemme Howdt.

One book I have read more than once: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams is an ever other year occurance, unless we can get the BBC TV tapes, in which case it gets read immediately.

One book I would like to have on a desert island: The Nature of the Chemical Bond, by Linus Pauling comes to mind. Dr. Lenny can do anything with this text.

One book that made me laugh: I read Vin Suprenewicz book The Black Arrow right after I saw V for Vendetta and I rolled at the humor of the parellels.

One book that made me cry: John Knowles, A Separate Peace is the only book from junior high that even made a dent on me.

One book I wish I’d written: Foundation, Asimov’s epic trilogy that details history through the science of Hari Seldon. I marvel at Isaac Asimov and how much he knew about everything.

One book I wish had never been written: 1984. If Orwell hadn’t seen it coming, we might have a better excuse for not dealing with the real problem.

One book I’m currently reading: Seven Experiments that Could Change the World: A Do-It Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science by Rupert Sheldrake. This is Dr. Doolittle type stuff, really really cool.

One book I have been meaning to read: Tolstoy's War and Peace. I’m saving this for post-Armageddon.

Five bloggers to tag with this meme: Sorry, but I prefer not to play tag with this one, since it is fairly late in the game. Kudos to Vache and Sunni, and many other bloggers who bit.

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