September 04, 2006

Milking Science

A recent article in Science magazine (08/18/06:p898) suggests congress is crafting a bill to keep the US lead in Science and Engineering. Dr. Lenny believes the problem is endemic to the system.

Science requires a knowledge base that is factual. Currently, there is too much embedded falsehood in the explanations of process, such that the common knowledge is fallatious when applied in specific. Basic information necessary to manipulate form and substance (in chemistry; an example from one of my fields of interest) is systematically removed from the curricula because 1) the students are not taught the fundamentals properly to comprehend the requirement for esoteric knowledge 2) college professors in collusion with industrial colleagues for profit have declined to discuss cutting edge science with their students, potential competitors and 3) the current 'necessities' of military secrecy and homeland security (since WWII).

Edisonian energy technology could be supplemented by Teslaesque concepts, but information in areas like eutectics and fused salts is difficult for professionals to unearth. Plus, the materials are impossible to acquire on a private, cost effective basis. How many innovations are trapped between archaic patent laws and intellectual propriety on the one hand and mounds of corporate propaganda for the chosen 'profitable' process on the other. Corporations are not people, they have no personal morals or ethics. Thus they should not be indemnified by any political or legal system. Congress working on competitive science is a misappropriate use of time, when the federal school system is on life support from internal administrative abuse.

1 comment:

Steve Scott said...

Congress working on anything is a misappropriate use of time.