October 16, 2006

Uh-oh - Time for a Novel Approach

Quite a few very interesting colums on lewrockwell.com got me thinking this morning about one of my favorite chemistry topics - the relationship between form and function. Rather than read top to bottom, i pick and choose the order. Congressman Doctor Ron Paul's piece suggests a facile lowering of taxes by 200,000,000,000$ per year, which is less than 4% of total spending. The numbers are approaching the quantity known as the mole - 6.02 x 10 to the power of twenty-three. If we use these numbers to calculate the molarity of government, then we might have an indicator for monitoring growth in a form that people can understand. The form of government is inequally matched to the function of government, so we really have no adequate leadership in areas where we mebbe should have government in the game - alas, foxes control henhouse operations. Way, way too many henhouses.

Given the fiscal volume involved - perhaps a Hari Seldon approach is called for - looking forward a thousand years and working our way back to here. I wonder how Isaac Asimov got time to write fiction, when his fact was much more appropriate (yet rarely read)? Much simpler times. Much fewer facts to deal with. Most people would actually read for entertainment. Novel approach. Build a new foundation to base the structure of function where the scaffolding supports the work and life of the people, not the people supporting the scaffolding. now is when Atlas shruggs.

1 comment:

jomama said...

At Paul's point, who da hell needs taxes? They'll just go up agin.

Make 'em illegal.

Voluntary contributions would suffice at his level.