October 21, 2006

Windshield Philosophy

Had seven vehicle hours yesterday. One of the discussion topics was ' the gridless life'. I question whether we have the wherewithal to make certain that productive activity continues in the face of the absence of 1) fuel and 2) electricity. The current drive to establish income is a paper chase of an artificial reality - production is a concept lost on most people.

Who is doing? All the training appears to direct people to become worker cogs in a machine whose only purpose is to drive worker cogs, rather than a system that allows people the freedom to accomplish. But accomplish what? Putting food on the table and entertainment into the brain - not for the purpose of bettering anything, but instead for mindlessly passing time. Rules are set to maintain order, so the 'manager' can keep people in line for the ease of the rest of management. Chaos breed knowledge, whereas order breeds complacency.

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