November 09, 2006

real means what?

Opening my mind howdtside the box and considering all fundamental assumptions wrong including all the things that they 'tell' you (we are they are we). Understand that fertile minds create science fiction based on extrapolation of apparently self-consistent principles to investigate universalness.

Of all the vast stories told, most are remakes of the same themes in different settings, taking values that we supposedly hold and working through a novel scenario. I guess other genres have similar themes in the stories - imagination comes in world design rather than conception of base novelty. It is rare to see an author pull off a completely workable different system in a single volume, as Rand did with Atlas Shrugged, but several trilogy sets - Foundation by Asimov, Tolkien's Rings and Heinlandocity (stories change setting, books have same ego feel) have covered so much ground that we start imagining that some of it could be real. Dr. Lenny enjoys ingesting novels when he can find the time. But i could always get back into reality and know it meant something and isn't fiction.

Now my mind is wide open, that i really really can't believe in this surrealistic world. So when presented with the idea that element 115, which by our current vogue chemistry says cannot exist for any 'real' length of time (half-life) is the alien energy source for using space time folding to travel vast distances - it just seems too fantastic (as in fantasy based) to consider spending time on. But in the context of everything the political system might ask you to believe - would it be worthwhile to pursue theoretically whether the physics of large matter elements in other solar systems with larger and multiple suns might have some keys to matter energy conversions that would make global warming a triviality (as if it wasn't already)?

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