December 22, 2006

Satyagraha 2 Elitism

I couldn't help but notice that this is the 1000th Dr. Lenny post on blogger. I hope to make it worth the readers while - so i'll get on with what i have to say.

In the course of human events, there have been some very potent ideas that have changed the direction of thinking and brought about a different culture than the one that preceeded it. The current amerikan culture suffers greatly when we allow the elite to manipulate. Satyagraha was ghandi's solution to the salt situation and it seems that perhaps the only way for we the people to force the behavioral situation is by full-hearted non-participation in any activity that specifically enhances the elite claim to power. In order to do this however, we have to understand what elitism is and what it is not - and not the picture painted by the media as to what is elite.

First - to be frank - if you are reading this post, you are very likely not elite. The middle ages and the chivalry that was established allow us all to be kings of our own domain and to know how to act when we have rightgeous elite recognition - all people in our own homes. But by elite - i mean those people who know the powers that be personally and have the ability to make decisions that affect the masses of chattle - not we kings of our homes. This system was built by people with self-interest and inventive skill, but has decended through time to be controlled by people with self interest and manipulative skill. Appeals to reason, logic and common sense do not so much matter as a primary interest in decision making - so long as elite status is retained. At least when kings ruled by devine right, they seemed to have their people foremost in their interests. Political rule is currently hopeless, because the playing field is poisoned from both within and without.

The way that i see it - the need to earn income in order to live here is nonsense. However, the ability to live at the standard of living that you prefer to live at, requires an income based on the means of productivity that you provide to others. People just don't like carrying slaggards - but if you contribute in some way to the health, well-being, happiness or value of your community, they will not run you out on a rail. But we have become too polite in a political sense and should remember the thoughts of Ayn Rand in Virtue of Selfishness, the Fountainhead, and Atlas Shrugged. Community, though, need be done on a personal level and community interaction with other community should be negotiated by trust and honorable dealings. Of course, this is a fantasy world view.

But - just think - if we valued our time more than the money and could exchange in real terms value for value - how much infrastructure should we support? How much do we really need? And are there better ways to provide the common services of life rather than the current - one for one and none for all approach? When you start worrying about degree of trust between you and your spouse, your children and your friends - based on artificial constraints on the ability to do what each of you feel you have to do - perhaps not doing anything to support the mechanism of the system of imposition is the best we can do. Satyagraha.

Person to person, let's develop trust by working on it. Find people that you know you can rely on and rely on them - while supporting their effort to be able to do the same for you. By looking at your own intentions, and finding support in small personal cliques - each individual controls the sum of her own motives and we begin breeching the trust barriers places in our path by major media and the elite powers that be.

An old joke suggests that the words trust me and fuck you are synonyms. Perhaps it has more truth to it than we know. Don't ask for trust nor trust blindly. Act how you need to act, be who you need to be - but realize that we can accomplish much more by finding a way to get howdt of this current mindset before the next political election - because the leadership demonstrated by the political elite has been absurd - it is not leadership so much as looting. The school system teaches one thing while reality teaches another and logic just doesn't carry very much weight. Finding somebody to trust and build with, will lead to finding more people to trust and build with and perhpas the ground up effort can cause some change. And if we do this right, we won't have the time to pay any attention to the elite and their manipulative games. Satyagraha


Doc said...

for more on the topic:

Vache Folle said...

Congratulations on your 1000th post! I look forward to your 10,000th.

This was a worthy 1,000th. Trust, person to person, face to face, is all important in a free society. Distrust feeds the state.