January 09, 2007

Post-modernism (and education)

None of these manifestations would be possible (in any significant frequency) without the coercive interference of the state. In the process, post-modernism has taken over the functions of organic society and operated like a "cultural agent orange," defoliating everything in its path and leaving nothing but charred ruins in its wake.

Steven LaTulippe goes into some interesting depth in as he defines his course for culture. I can see that manifested her in rural amerika in many of the inactions of the people. As social creatures, we always wish to help on a personal basis, but compelled assistance is self-defeatism - and people aren't willing to help themselves, because if they do, they get cut off from their unearned rewards. hmmm. work is seen as the opposite of fun, whereas work should be a fulfilling portion of a healty balance lifestyle.

The bonus is that i posted before i finished reading, so i didn't get to solution four - abolish public skulz. Knowledge can only flow to people who have an interest in the material substance they are studying. Energy directed toward interest increases the matter retained in useful form, but application is necessary to synthesize the concepts, for practical use. Environments should be adapted to learning styles, not learning adapted to concrete environments. more deep thought. 42

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