January 19, 2007

To be is to be, not not to be

How do i do when i don't know what to do - role development requires knowing, yet knowledge sharing is seen as a means of giving up value and requires value in return. Inviting other people into the knowledge domain brings competition, so protectionist me had replaced industrious me as a means of keeping my status in the status quo. But who is really to benefit by status quo? Is my responsibility weighted to minimize or maximize the effort involved, or to get to the final result and move on? Less engineering will result in more work, more jobs, especially manual labor if we don't raise the heavy working equipment.

But isn't this just busy work, if i can design better systems? But justification to the paper pushers and the bean counters, accountability and transparency, is a one way street where information flows only in a single direction. This aspect of carrying bureaucracies along for the ride, to see that we can justify our own existance, now has become half the economy in itself - which requires all of us to play and pay. To be is to be, not not to be. And not to have to report to be.

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