February 21, 2007

are salmon rent-seeking?

Spent most of yesterday working on Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers business. The PUR is the local watershed council, a quasi-political entity that was formed as a table to discuss forms and practices of watershed policy between various water related interest groups. It is a non-government organization, a 501-c(3) non-profit corporation, and a physical business that employs four full-time staff and several seasonal part-timers. Dr. Lenny is one of eighteen members of the board of directors - which includes the timber and environmental industries, local government, tribes, agriculture and in one position, a citizen representative. Originally appointed by county commissioners to deeal with fish issues, the group receives support funding through the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, and is grant oriented.

The business is in installing on-the-group habitat projects and monitoring their effectiveness, It also works to coordinate data streams - a key partner in instigating the Umpqua Explorer and Oregon Explorer data bases being developed at the Institute for Natural Resources at Oregon State University. Typical projects have been featured here at the zone - they include road culvert replacement for fish passage and other restoration oriented in-stream activities. The federal and state agencies sent representatives to the meetings, and serve in an advisory capacity as the technical advisory committee. This include folks from BLM and Forest Service, and Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife who are always there, and a variety of individuals focused on the meeting information dispersal. Open to everyone.

As some might call it - a complete 'rent-seeking' industry. I like to think of it as an artificial means to cross boundaries and get things done. I struggle with my involvement with boards and commissions like this because there is always a conflict of interest in everybody represented at the table - nobody who is not interested in the watershed would become a director. But how would the private sector get it's pay - the salmon sure appreciate our effort. Or don't, depending on wether salmon think.

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