February 23, 2007

Natural Models

Nature is the model for achievement in chemistry. Synthetic organic chemists struggle for years to find laboratory pathways to create the very same molecule that grows in a plant. The complex biology develops chemicals for use in specific application, where every atom in the molecule plays at directing a function. Chirality is the concept of opposite handedness, the amino acids that make most proteins are left-handed.

Richard Dawkins, discusses nature as genetic selfishness in his renowned work, The Selfish Gene. This view has developed over the years into an orderly anarchy, and Trembley applies it to political systems.

Certainly strength in the evolutionary sense cannot be physical strength, otherwise the humble earthworm, or the frail hummingbird, would never survive. In the long-term view, strength is the capacity to keep flourishing in the face of changing circumstances, in short to adapt, and weakness is the incapacity to keep flourishing.

Seems to me that this paradigm can be seen in Atlas Shruged - now that i am 60 pages in, it is easy to see some of the parellels. How can we construct a social order that models nature better, that might allow applicants to survive in the face of disabled, non-redundant systems? A question worth some thought at other scales, and in other forms.

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