March 07, 2007

Continuing 'to be herd'

Jomama's not an anarchist - for reasons he explains at his blog - to herd or not to herd. dr. lenny made a comment that turned into a novella, so i moved the ramble here, where the text might make sense in context of Zone speak.

sorta like we the people talking for wee the people. but - be careful of indiv think without the normal rationality and reality checks that provide for grounding under the grass roots.

We all make assumptions, we sometimes forget to go back and check if they were valid. i have a theory that learning groups function best small numbers with four being the optimum. Much of chemistry can be explained by the tetrahedral and the octet (twice four). Anarchism doesn't work in a vacuum, individuals need information as the substance for existance - which involves thinking howdtside da baax, but not necessarily alone and solo.

Self-actualization is necessary, along with a direction pointer and something to keep us on course. Using periodic concepts of cycles and recurrent themes, we can use symmetry to find parallels and communicate on several levels of playing field - each autonomous in their own games, but contributing to a bigger system of coordination. The type that forms when seeds are scattered to the wind and allowed the freedom to sow and grow.

I used the golden mean spiral to develop the fibronacci sequence, then began tracing out the periodic sequence that i worked out based on chemical orbitals. Transforming that series to energy level sequence gives the following pattern 1,2,2,3,3,4,3,4,5,4,5,6,4,5,6 - 7,5,6 - 7,8,5,6,7,8,9,6,7,8,9,10,6,7,8,9,10, The hypens are where 'we' are now chemically, practically and theoretically. (Aside to math junkies: The sequence can be continued infinitely by extending the number count until the highest number is repeated, then restart the count, dropping any number that has been repeated it's own number of times. Hence one appears once, two appears twice, three appears three times, etc. I wonder if anyone else has ever looked at this sequence before, because nature sure has put it to good use.)

The heaviest element that we make use of is Uranium, but the heaviest element commonly available to anyone is Lead. Lots of that in the water system - isn't that what made Rome fall - lead plumbing? Lots of mercury in the air system - what do they say, mad as a hatter? And lots and lots of carbon dioxide in the form of exhaled hot air put howdt by the state legislators this time of year - legislators are the state vegetable in Oregon. But we elect them anyway - joke must be on us. Here's what Retta says.

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