March 15, 2007

Everybody's talkin at me ...

Conversation is the universal information dispersal system. The point is re-enforced by William Lind today in his discussion of the power point presentation, military version. In fact, one could argue government version, because every organization meeting that i have attended that involves presentation descends into power point. As an educator, I prefer chalkboard - but in the old days - speeches would do the trick, oratory without any support functions. I don't think a picture is worth a thousand words - perhaps pictures can be placed on a 1000-words scoring system and rated to their effectiveness.

This picture says alot. It could be a 400 word picture if i gave the full description, but what i see here is a kid using a tool that most kids wouldn't know even existed. The learning environment contains no images to bullet the focus of knowledge - but pen and paper available to write thoughts and measurements. This couldn't be done in a classroom situation in today's school system, because there isn't enough thought allowed on how to have the student participate. The cost of the titrator and the handling of chemicals are big red flags about student touches - since 'everybody has to have the opportunity, or no one get's one' and 'panic safety, chemical involved'. The drone yakking at the youth about 'science' is likely to demonstrate the item once, if he takes the half hour to set it up. He might not wish to talk about dissolved oxygen as oxygen alone was a foreign concept in his own school daze. Jane average middle school kid - in one afternoon - has more direct science than she will get in the sum of her middle school science classes. Ah, Barlebey.

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