March 28, 2007

Liberating Education

"The three fixations of the current physical infrastructure-based education system allow no freedom.

They are fixed location - learning can only happen in a fixed physical place (school campus); fixed people - learning can only be acquired from fixed people who have been appointed for the purpose (teachers); and fixed time - learning must be completed in a fixed duration (the academic term).

The learners are penalised for any violation of these norms. "

The value of the Redile system is that it attacks these challenges of the existing system all at once. In this editorial from the Times of India, Trivedi details how to set learning apart from institutional teaching. Under the current system, there is no room for the redile approach and the learners are not motivated to use the system, since there are no rewards from the teaching system for the extra work effort associated with the learning. Access to learners is restricted and credit cannot be offered without buy-in from the teaching professionals.

In Oregon, the legislature is moving to enable the unions to control the charter school teachers - which was the whole reason for the charters in the first place. grasping at straws - coerced learning doesn't happen. As the wagons are circled and the total pie shrinks, more and more people excluded from the spoils will realize that the value of their make work was artificial - a scaffolding support for an imaginary system that was sold to everybody in public school as a circus prank to keep our attention away from the mechanism of plunder. Too many people have caught onto the game yet still the politicos promise their special interests favor to protect the status quo.

The learners are penalised for any violation of these norms.

1 comment:

Vache Folle said...

You have exposed the whole system for the house of cards that it really is. You can't teach by coercion, but you sure can maintain the institution that pretends to teach by coercion. In fact, it's the only way.