March 26, 2007

Soften Hard

The concepts of hard and soft are rambling through my mind, as i attempt to translate ligand field theory into interpersonal communications. Forgive me for the ramble ahead of time; i need to work this howdt mentally for my own self while blogging. Understand that like dissolves like and opposites attract, and you have the basics of the solution.

The solvent in this case is the total population of people, which is very, very soft right now. The functional group is the hardline pro-government crowd that feels that stern regulation enforced will create order. The chaos is the dissolution of the monetary system and the fact that we have detached the products of our labor from the direct payment for such service. Money makes money and the translation to the real world is reality you all be damned, what the monetary elite say is your reality is your reality. Thus the money chases the value and consumes it, before starting the chase to monetize the next intangible quantity.

It eusta be that hard-work correllated to individual profit. Leverage could be made by developing economies of scale, where costs could be reduced by buying bulk. But the storage problem is compounded by the leakage in the system - everything ordered tends to chaos according to the law of entropy. Modern thinking is that natural laws do not hold, modern thinking is the mush served up by the muddle in the middle - retaining the status quo while milking the system dry. The masses figured out they could vote themselves the spoils of other people's work - the decadence can't last for too much longer. The system has to collapse and revert to complete chaos before a firm and hard new order can evolve from the mush.

Spring is a time of renewal and the grass keeps coming up. The paper chase accellerates and the hard drive of the soft where leads to a hollowing out below of the cavity while the form pushes forth. The undergrid is subject to whoosh, but it doesn't quite end there where you think it might end. So you wake up and there is still all the there there, but no way to accumulate anything that hasn't been obtained. The soft will infiltrate to soft areas while the hard come moving amongst the soft to push forth - where all is pliant, everywhere there is soft.

If we stay soft and fuzzy, the soft will envelop the hard and the hard will dissipate into soft. Life doesn't have to be so hard - stop grouping with hard and give a little bit - be softer. Round the edges. Cooperation doesn't have to be the opposite of competition - play hard and then party hearty - be soft. Flex a bit and understand the details of smoothing the ridges, because that's what time is for - to gradually smooth the ridges and make us less hard.

Work is hard, yet hard work is productive. It is important to remain committed to gaining and applying knowledge to make the hard easier - by leveraging ideas from multiple sources and using the best that comes to the application. Everybody chasing the same idea makes thing hard, but empowering the microsphere to take a different approach allows hardship to be used for building capacity, so that we can soften as the times allow. Competition in a specific field allows the participants to keep a sharpened edge - which can cut through the hard and get to the soft. But the soft is where we wish to be, which is reason to keep the perimeter hard. Get a hard task, and set forth to accomplish it, while enjoying the returns.

Problem is the dual nature of hard and soft has been segregated to an either/or rather than a yin/yang. We have to be ready for anything, open to new and novel. The system is set in one way overdrive and the hardliners are going to push until the soft swallow them, then the meek may inherit the earth. Time passages tend to bring softness, smoothing the rough edges only weakens the protection from the outside forces. At the point of ultimate confusion, the soft will consume the hard, but eventually life will harden and the edges will be allowed to cut through the fabric and reveal the new paradigm, borne of the chaos that develops into order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting and stimulating, Dr. L. Thank you once again.