April 21, 2007

Torching Bridges 00200740

Watching the illogic of the grasping of straws in trying to hold together figments of pretend knowledge that just aren't there. Truth has a funny way of speaking and illusions that are shattered have no means to recreate themselves. You pick up the pieces and go home. You may disbelieve what you saw, but the grand illusion is still an illusion - when the gloves come off, the serpent bites and the wound can be healed, but not reversed.

Partnerships are built on mutual trust - building that trust is a process - not an end but only a means. Common goals come from shared effort based on mutual respect. I watched an ambush that could potentially turn into a slaughter - where the snarl of the gigantic beast pinpricked will reign forth contemporary crisis. Meanwhile, the room was telling for who wasn't there. The brunt of the force is that this is what it looks like when the wagons get circled and the perceived ins are outside. 'My wrath is bigger than your wrath games' have no room in modern society - destructivity spreads like salt water. After it pulls back, you are left with debris.

Hide your jewels, the whoomph is coming. Urban America doesn't like what it can't understand and it doesn't understand rural life. It does understand that their food sources are not dependent on rural life 'here' any longer. It is distasteful, so close it down. Uh-Oh. The other shoe dropped. 'We are going to do what we are going to do - not matter what you say.' Oh. Okay - go ahead - shall we bend over and apply grease? Apparently they think so. I'm stunned. The puppeteer slipped in manipulating this string and let the cat out of the bag. The local press missed the story - but it scares me that now i know the illusion line is lifted, the fog is lifted and the paradigm lost cannot be returned to. Oom bawee gawa.

No trust latitude any longer - as if there wasn't too much false accountability and bean counting already. To allocate resources for the sake of the allocation rather than the resource. Why? Because money speaks, and this is a paper chase. They are circling the wagons - the rings are getting tighter. Look to biology for the model systems of how organisms operate. Vacuoles.

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