May 03, 2007

Channelling Father Gaia

i am now convinced that evolution is occuring in humans in real time. our gaian system shares this movement - being the change we wish to see is incredibly easier today than when ghandi first coined the phrase. despite the hubris of superiority, warming on other planet, mars and venus demonstrate that climate change is also part of this evolution and not in man's domain to control, though it would be nice if we found a way to conserve our resources and lower our contribution, currently 365 of 190,000.

why must everybody work to live, when it makes us live to work? our current problem exists because our economics is mass produced and forced in order. what if we all stop cooperating and recreate the division of labor within community to locally produce the entire set of material forms set that we need.

This is where my work with Redile and also the R-Cubed Pod come in - teaching and learning are two different skills - all teachers should be learners, but all learners need not be teachers. The key to learning is the desire to learn. Skuls that compel book learning chase youth away from literature, because they see learning as a job and their experience learning without pay as slave labor. Today youth want to walk in and start at the top.

Conceptually invert the societal pyramid, the hierarchy needs to support the system so the flat plain of grass roots has ample fertilization, and the service provided by the infrastructure support is drawn for the curious to discover, rather than the PTB to hide away or use as weapons. The earth is constipated with humans in the intestine plugging the bowels and not allowing accomplishment outside the current forced order. Our extention of life into functionality past age 80s has left the transfer pipelines of power plugged and the mechanism is shutting down. This is why we will have chaos. To get to the next order, we will have to wait : how will become apparent only when there is enough chaos to break out of the existing improper order.

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