August 07, 2007

Must do what one must do. Melting away but reason is beyond the senses. Should curl up with a deep book and hide, rather than delay the obvious need - had to go with the flow, while being swept by a maelstrom makes for hard life between the soft squishy times. Writing needs to be addressed, not avoided - it is the world's toughest task. Your thoughts belong inside your head and sharing them howdtside is like poking sticks at lions and tigers and bears.

The golden mean spiral weighs heavily on my mind. There are too many tricks involved to believe what the media wants us to take for truth - but the pyramid in mexico is strange in it's timing and coincidence. Nothing is ever coincidence and the series of factors that have boggled me at every little step is a symptom of the delusion that mebbe i'm not quite all there yet. Perhaps yet is never. One should hope to be able to transfer a skill set from one plane to another, but sometimes the deck is shuffled poorly and you have to do withhowdt a few of your cards. Just another set of circumstances to support a rigged game - but how do we unrigg the game.

Look howdt for answers - they may not be what you wish to hear, but when they speak truth, you know. Speak truth, find it - it is there somewhere. I shall return...

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