August 20, 2007

where oh where

the nomad follows howdt to whereever the path may take. The current path has left me alone, on-line in suburban amerika - taking advantage of somebody else's nine to five. The use of time-share to be in space that is otherwise uninhabited during the daytime is interesting. I wonder whether people could allow their personal space to be contracted howdt while they are not using it. Most of middle amerika could be mistaken for a ghost town during midday - sort of like the desolation at the opening of asimov's andromeda conquest.

weird is the name of the game - so i shall continue to blog my way to whereever we happen to be headed. A permanent location with no strings attached would be nice - but this is still an ownership world and sumbuddy is the ultimate owner of everything that we think we own. Our lives aught to be ours to decide - but there are so many strings that the marionette is hopelessly tangled. Perhaps a nap will help.

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