November 29, 2007


Crisis of the moment
is the crisis of our lives
complicity with nature
proper grounded soul
headed into murky water
goal to set potable by spring
building toward summer
lessons from grasshoppers
ants, bees and the Beatles
Ghandi, Whitman and Thoreau
model systems self-enact
wish i knew what to do
whatever simplexity will follow
intuition sustains life - trust
universal great spirit which
abides in each of our hearts.

(c) 2007 lemme howdt

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Some sell us hope at inflated prices never intending less than the same ol status quo with multiplication byfold recurring spiral where wealth begats wealth & we prolertariot/working class heroes endlessly toil to loosen
our bonds without the benifit of ever
earning a boy scout merit badge for
un knot tieing.
A working class hero is something to be. John