July 11, 2008

Re - again

Have been howdt of town during this week - trying to reconnect with nature, amongst other things. The rapid changes in life are forcing a re-thinking about how things get done, or don't get done. It is time to drop some of the old assumptions and re-investigate the mechanisms of life, the universe and everything. Keeping a positive attitude is of great importance in dealing in the world of today.

The march of conversion into monetary units has become insane. Finding a new education strategy and re-educating ourselves based on what is real seems to be the only way to continue - we will likely be stranded where ever we are when the gas crunch hits - going along to get along is not an option. Being pro-active and doing something that provides value is the only means of remaining connected.

I wonder if ...

It seems that things are not what they seem. Pushing forward in the money chase only prolongs the disaster - world events are a distraction. I have seen too much TV and MOvies in the past three days - it tells me how many people are not all here. I know that i am not all here, but i do not know quite what to do about it. So, I'll just keep blogging.

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