June 04, 2009

New School of Thought

I am at one of those stages where transcendence seems possible. It has become clearer in its imagery - a new form of putting together the pieces is necessary to demonstrating another pathway. This stems from Einstein's theory that you can not solve a problem in the same mode of thought as the problem was generated. The group of people that i am working with has the potential of explaining the unified field.

The current conceptual model is skewed as life forms have to adapt to continuous change, yet our science insists on holding the variables constant, for the purpose of modeling. Life force ebbs and flows - continually transforming energy and matter from one form to another, creating power and influence within a specific harmonal sphere through reciprocal relationships.

Gaia is in trouble partly because of the neglect of the physical biosphere in the mode of thought used during the last century. The other part is buried in the physics of solar flares and sunspots that has heat varying as it reaches earth. Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant - but it is an indicator of pollution because we can map out the physical ratios between atmospheric pollutants using our computers. Gaia needs humanity, but humanity cannot exist without a fully functional chemical eco-sphere.

The duality concept provides for balance between yin and yang. Life is a singularity that plays itself out on the grid of 64. The I-Ching, the chess board, Vaastu, Treei, are examples that demonstrate the complexity of diversity presented conceptually. I am working on a project called Gaia Villages. I am looking to build a team that can think through a new paradigm to boldly go where no man has gone before. (Thanks Gene)

This school of thought - as yet unnamed, but we shall have a contest soon - has a philosophy that as molecules migrate, so do people. As above, so below. We reflect what we are in the emotion of vibrations sent at different frequencies; molecules reflect in the emissions of vibrations cause by electrons jumping between orbitals of similar energies. Let us take the images of nature, looking through the eyes of our children prior to the baggage of modern lifestyle as an everyday consumer. We seek to minimize the impacts of the human footprint on Gaia by looking at flow streams of spirit, matter and energy.

To volunteer thinking time - just respond to this post. Or any other post that you think has general positive or negative impact. We have to check our premises and reestablish the validity of all accepted data. Current sustainability theory and environmentalism both miss the point - we need to build physical models to test theories and establish the relative value of quality, quantity and relative cost. This area has been the domain of beancounters and bureaucrats with little thought toward social or environmental implications as significant to the bottom line. The three legged stool has two very short legs and one elongated monstrocity. Time to redefine reality by checking our facts and verifying our assumptions.

More on this topic later. For now, I am thinking aloud howdtside the box. The first major topic to swim in will be water. Enjoy.

Dr. Lenny Thyme

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


this seems to confirm your vision