June 18, 2009

Water Physics and Metaphysics

Water alignment changes form - as reflected by the bond angle between the two hydrogen atoms attached to the central oxygen atom. The bond distances change continually depending on the vibrational mode - the orientation is not symmetric, though we might pretend it to be. Water molecules remain bound into position to provide connectivity between the folds of proteins. I wonder what is the rate of exchange between free and bound water particles. Does the water replaced move on to become yet another replacement or does it remain in the flow of the bloodstream?

Ions affect water - both in the hydration sphere and in the activation energy. The charge and the spacial arrangement are portals into the depth of what is real, on another scale of space and time. How does time relate to water? There seems to be a backdrop of universal connectivity associated with water flow, a positive vibratory emission. The world is in constant flux, a balance of repulsion and attraction. We share our water just as we share our air, only on a much slower time frame. All is one, love is the currency, water is the carrier and it all comes out in the wash.

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