July 09, 2009

Meta-physical Reality

Ruminating on life while setting on the porch in mid-afternoon. Contemplating the development of social networks - the virtual phenomenon that has arisen since my internet sabbatical began. The basis of relationships now depends on common cause - the adhesion between people can be considered a bonding energy. The network clicks when individuals share common experience - the type of activity is readily monitored by the stream of flow of connectivity. Everybody gets to know what everybody else is doing in the great soap opera model of life.

Bond Energy is a key construct when you think about the significance of attraction. In molecular chemistry, the bond energy is stored between the atoms sharing bonds in proportion to their relative distance from each other, factored by the nature of the elements involved. Very stable chemical relationships form when larger biological structures start using small molecules for metabolism - a process of unleashing energy stored in food stuffs. The excess energy that is not used is stored in the chemical bonds for future use.

The new communities rely on information - and virtual is now a means of connecting small groups for very specific information transfer. Youth have the ability to sponge up information on a topic and integrate it into their actions and talk. They mirror the media that they relate to, and wish to have a voice in the action. We can influence them by listening to what they have to say, and them connecting them to the people who know something about their field of interest. To learn, one must teach. To teach effectively, one must learn.

As we build people, stable relationships will form between individuals that can amplify each others talents. Enjoy the people around you and try to group in tetrahedral, octahedral and other geometric stable forms. Nature's geometry plays with us in a golden mean ratio fractal world. As we adapt to nature, we will evolve new manners to equalize to a mean average. The answers to solving the current glitch in the system is to take the time to dream about your vision of how it should be, then make it happen virtually and in reality.

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