September 21, 2009

Reality Sandwich

"Existence itself may be considered an abyss possessed of no meaning. I do not read this as a pessimistic statement but a declaration of autonomy for my imagination & will and their most beautiful act of bestowing meaning upon existence itself." -- Hakim Bey

The changing context of life seems to provide us with many opportunities to expand our consciousness. The depth of the mind is explored in a different context in a fascinating but long article by Antero Alli. The spheres he portrays could be portrayed as axes on a grid of 64 without any challenge.

I was more taken though by Charles Eisenstein's blog on Miracles. I went through a personal vision quest and was able to control the behavior of my farm animals. I walked my two dogs up the drive in a DNA crossing pattern and they never missed a beat. Our brains allow us telepathic communications with animals; they can sense completely whether we present a threat. At the time, it changed my perception and spun me howdt into a place where i required a new basis of thought. I learned that modern science is as much a religion as Christianity. There are more tales to tell, but listening to the diversity of stories of many people is going to be one way to accomodate our future Existence.

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