October 28, 2009


The crowd has arrived in force. My peaceful domicile that usually holds two or three is up to a population of six at the moment. Is this a portend of things to come? As people have more trouble dealing with each other, we fractionate into small enclaves and take in our friends as they free-fall their way howdt of the present debacle.

Home should not be grand central station. However, we take care of people who can't take care of themselves. We also tend to over-commit ourselves - how can you not take in people. The idea would be to get people back on their feet - we never can go back. I need some space.

Ah - a little extra space. Quiet is not here, must aspirate my need to climb into the silence and just get on with the temporary adjustment. The sun is howdt, so i may just migrate streamside. Consideration of the balance of cost and privacy - the latter has great value. A node of two can disappear off the grid and never be disturbed : until ... Still something to consider.

Every additional point of view has a story - we need to listen to some of the stories with much deeper regard - every story is a tale of an approach that didn't work on the pathway toward finding things that do work. We know that what eusta work, doesn't. Sometimes things work differently under different conditions. The fractal nature of life comes up again and again - everything repeats with a slightly different twist.

People learn differently - i don't like being talked at. I can handle a discussion with, but unless the actor has new information that nobody else in the group knows - i dislike the powerpoint presentation and the 'lecture'. I can only imagine what our kids think about this - the school system is an abject failure for anything except indoctrination. Can we let it go and find other ways to transfer knowledge.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yikes! not a nurturing environment for introverts...woke up this morning with a relevant song going through my head...