October 05, 2009

Peace Plan

There is a tinge of oddness here on another Monday morning - the idea that mebbe we are not seeing a big portion of the picture. The stress of everyday life is ramping up and all we can do is ground ourselves solidly with the people we love, trust and respect. It's the middle word, trust, that is the problem - the people who are saying trust me have done little to earn that trust. Everybody seems to have an opinion on what somebody else is doing, rather than being concerned to sort howdt their own affairs.

The way it was is not the way it will be. This seems obvious to me, but people are trying real hard to prevent the changes that need to happen as a precondition of things working. As i listen to people looking for jobs - i get the impression that a job is a cure-all, rather than a chain that locks us into a position in the status quo. The real initiative should be to get yourself in a position of doing what you love to do in exchange for the support and encouragement of the community of people doing what they love to do. None of this shuffling of papers between trips to the cubicle.

Tension between people in need of money to balance their accounts is thick enough to become visible. Our assumptions need to be validated - but that takes time for thought. Instead of looking global and acting local, we should be developing our networks in both realms - as above, so below. Economics has dominated ecology and social context for so long, that there is no way to reverse the flow of Gaia's changes without major revision of the world view. As long as there are big countries with guns - the equation is one of force. A new Ghandi leading a Satyagraha of peace is on the horizon - but the events have to align in order for the show to begin.

So i sit back and wait, grounding myself by meditation with nature. The deer feel comfortable enough to graze in comfort on the lawn - at the same time, deer season has opened in the hills. The people are not hungry enough to go back to hunting and gathering - yet. It is coming. I just hope that we can see ourselves as part of the natural scene, rather than above it. Gaia knows, and will take care of those that support her with stewardship and loving kindness. Time to clean up the messes and address the world from a different point of view - internal peace.

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