November 04, 2009

Are we done yet?

I went to see an MD yesterday to jump thru the state hoops and pay tithe to the gatekeeper medical profession in order to smoke a weed. The MD would not accept my application because i did not see any other MDs to verify that i was taking care of all other alternatives (of course the weed works, the pharma doesn't - i don't do pharma, nor MDs). So now there is another layer of control that forces our decisions, so that we don't get to think for ourselves. I don't see a need to play these games empowered by legislated thuggery.

MD's do not know enough biochemistry to be believable. They listen to big pharma reps in prescribing poisons and work to make everybody dependent upon their system. Diet and nutrition are the keys to good health, with the first focus on proper hydration. The migraines that i smoke weed to handle are also readily dealt with by drinking more water.

We don't need gate-keeper or controllers. The industrial-military-medical complex is so off kilter that you now need to hire a lawyer to watch your lawyer. 'Ignorance is no excuse' is obliviated by the over-abundance of laws, rules, and fixed mechanisms. People are paired against each other by the system that needs to offset all work to ensure nothing changes outside - all we do is argue against ourselves.

Let's try something different. Let's start supporting each other's new innovations and ideas. Let's remove the need to ask permission and start overwhelming the system with intention and initiative. Just do it. Listen to people in your group and devise a set of agreements that each individual can live within. Basic agreement with no depth or complex agreement with legal depth - we need new contracts that work for people, not corporate lawyers. Un-elect the entire establishment.

Oh, yesterday was election day? Well, never mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

did my part. voted against the meals tax.