November 24, 2009

Ultimately Sociochemistry

Where shall i begin to tell the story - it depends entirely upon ones point of view. The indians follow their chiefs into battle; when the cause is unjust, they fight with half a heart. Leadership listens to the will of the people and finds a way to accommodate the current, while reaching toward the future. This system of conquest took out the tribes to form a corporate kleptocracy : WE THE PEOPLE need to have responsibility for our own manifest destiny. Our solace may be in recreating community as tribe.

The world is moving to a catastrophic upheaval, but nobody really knows what that means. The system will tweak everybody unjustly until we just up and quit - but no alternative is acceptable. Watch the opening press conference from SNL. The american public should expect kisses and flowers too.

World leadership is going to come from the BRIC - Brazil, Russia, India and China. How much they let the US play depends on what form the nation takes when the economic collapse transpires. Our specific intention should be to focus toward rebuilding ourselves at home, on a local scale. We can put aside our hostilities toward each other and start preparing for self-sufficiency.

This means developing new systems to replace old failures. Yesterday we rendered pumpkins to a form where they can be cooked into Thanksgiving dessert. We saved some seeds, such that we can have a bountiful harvest next year. We toasted some seeds and traded stories while snacking, cutting, cleaning and canning. We built interpersonal, inter-generational community. No leadership, just all indians. The pumpkins were homegrown, a gift from our sovrin garden. The jars for storage materialized from a trip to the local BiMart. Simple, yet elegant model for an education system - using the local grange hall to complete common tasks.

No reason that we can't duplicate that type of effort weekly - to get together over food and drink and learn of the myriad of approach to the same thing. Gathering with a bowl of soup,while watching a movie, then discuss truths and bias. Knowing that we can create deep friendships that strengthen these bonds of community by sharing wine and verse.

So what do we expect from our leaders? That they allow change to happen, sometimes leading the charge. That they understand the filters and build with our hopes, rather than playing on our fears. That they understand our capabilities and allow us to do what we do, rather than forcing us square pegs into round holes. A sensitivity to our needs that allow us freedom to do what we need to do, what we want to do, to make our skills fit with the desired outcome of the group endeavors.

The kitchen was stable yesterday with four pairs of two approaching the various tasks. Eight is Oxygen - a very stable element that likes to pair with itself. Two loose grange persons spent about an hour with us - providing isolated hydrogen to give the event the shape of water. Dr. Lenny theorizes that water is the seat of consciousness and that intent is the guidance system that allows physical alignment to create impulse. The evening set a spark of charge, of change - the mission may be clarifying.


Coming soon - a sunwheel production...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
